Amen! This mitigates the ugly trap of a long time to meaningful value. Most folks won't appreciate the down in the weeds effort of infrastructure and data wrangling that is a precursor to "oh look shiny graphs and insights". The more you try and chew off, the more of this below the waterline iceberg work you gotta do. I don't think there's many orgs that actually have the patience for that without seeing some meaningful value for extended periods of time.

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This will definitely have a big impact for me as Data Infra Platform Product Manager. I call it a cupcake vs a slice model to focus on one verticle to get value and then move to next verticle

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Such great insights here! The title of PM of all things ML at a company can be alluring from an ego perspective, but you've really clarified the ways such a broad mandate right out the gate hampers real progress and can make it feel like a demotion to that person once others are hired to assist with the many ML facets at the company. Great post!

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